FLYING PENGUIN offers custom cloud services package built upon Nextcloud . Our services to clients worldwide are based on the platform that keeps you in control.
Share and collaborate on documents, send and receive email and manage your calendar without data leaks.
As a fully on-premises solution, FP Cloud provides the benefits of online collaboration without the compliance and security risks.

File hosting

File server offers an on-premise Universal File Access and sync platform with powerful collaboration capabilities including desktop, mobile and web interfaces.


Talk delivers on-premises, private audio/video conferencing and text chat through browser and mobile interfaces with integrated screen sharing and SIP integration.


Groupware integrates Calendar, Contacts, Mail and other productivity features to help teams get their work done faster, easier and on your terms.

Try Flying Penguin Cloud

Get in contact to try the Flying Penguin Cloud for yourself. We will arrange an experimental service matching your needs in a specific environment.